Saturday, March 15, 2025

Holy christ. This has been a difficult week. Where do I start? Hmm… how about where things on the site began spiraling out of control.

Okay first, my apologizes to Scot Halbach (ArcZero) who had to wait forever for some proper recognition on his artwork THE META KNIGHT which appeared on the site on Sept. 5th. I am more than happy to provide proper credit for anything that gets posted on the site, and I’m sorry it took over a week for me to get that updated. I think this brings up a good opportunity for me to remind submitters that you should always provide a source in your submission email if you have one. It just makes things easier for everyone!

Next up… Untooned Kirby by Ferryn. Who would’ve thought such a disturbingly weird pic would make my life a living hell? Not only was it the most dugg submission we’ve had on the site, but it was also linked on quite a few gaming blogs. Oh sure, the attention is great and all, but the spike in traffic actually killed the server at one point (thanks for nothing Dreamhost). So yeah, I’m going to be getting some more info on upgrading the site’s server this weekend because having the site crash like that sucks and I don’t think it’s acceptable at all.

Speaking of crashes (hmm, just from that segue alone I’m going to hell) Sept. 11th was a weird day for the site. There are many submissions that come in that I’m hesitant about posting because they’re borderline inappropriate, and I mean, I don’t know… I guess I never really decided where the line was going to be drawn as far as offensiveness goes. I mean we’ve had lesbian Mudkips, vinyl Birdo cosplay, Team Fortress 2 dildos and even a joke about Christopher Reeve’s spinal injury… but even against all that I have to admit that these 9/11 themed submissions that I posted we’re in the poorest of taste.

Still, I’ve always been of the opinion that censorship is out of control and that free speech is one of our most important rights to defend, and it’s difficult for me to come out and say “No these are wrong and should never have been made.” As an artist I’ve always detested the idea of censorship, and although many people know my work to be quite inoffensive in general, I’m glad there have been artists out there that push boundries and make statements (whatever those statements may be). And hey, if you want a perfect example that involves gaming, take that 911 Space Invaders piece that was shown at Leipzig. It sincerely bothers me that something like this was taken down due to pressure on the artist!

But at the same time, I understand that people coming to this site aren’t looking for potentially offensive imagery or art, they come here for a quick joke or two… and as the guy acting as editor I probably should have put some more thought into whether these particular submissions should have actually gone up. Honestly though, my natural tendency is to just put something up and see what people think. I seriously thought the comments discussion for these two were incredibly interesting to follow and I think I’ve learned a lot about what people come to expect from the site. Unfortunately it seems that in general the feelings on these two are mixed, and I still haven’t come to a decision for or against removing the entries. To be honest, I’m almost more interested in keeping the discussion around than the images themselves. But I guess to me this is more like a great art critique, and I know that’s not what people come here for and/or care about.

So anyway, long story short, I will make a decision on keeping these or deleting them in the next few days. I’m sorry I haven’t responded to everyone who emailed me personally about this subject, but I think it’s a lot easier for me to write my thoughts out here than to reply to each of you individually. Anyway, let me just say if I’ve offended anyone this week, I am sorry.

Of course, feel free to blame Nick Soapdish! You know, the guy who made them! I just posted them! >___>;

And finally, despite all the antics this week, I feel it’s worth mentioning that this week was Halolz one year anniversary! Thanks everyone for submitting pics, commenting, and just straight-up reading the site on a regular basis! I seriously can’t believe the site has been going for a year straight (minus a brief hiatus). I’ve got a few ideas in the works for improving the site, so hopefully at least a few people will stick around to see them! >__<

– Shawn

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Posted by Shawn Handyside on September 13, 2008 · 5:26 AM 
FAILLAMENOT BADPRETTY GOODAWESOME (77 votes, average: 4.52 out of 5)
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Nick Soapdish's avatar

Nick Soapdish · 861 weeks ago

Seriously guys, you should just blame me.

Sorry Shawn for causing you so much grief.

To the people who weren't happy, yes I am an asshole, and if you want me to die in a fire send a box of matches to 34 Evergreen Terrace.
there is way too much text here for me to read...


Lets just get that out of the way now. >__>
Nah screw that I finally get first. Authors can't take first on their own. I call it. :-P

So the REAL first.
Anyways, it makes me sad that all these people get upset over it... We can do hurricane jokes as well and a uproar doesn't happen? Bite your tongues people and GET THE HELL OVER IT! I love seeing jokes taken from tragedy it goes to show that you can't bring us down. Those that raise hell really need to have some self-reflection and think about it. Mostly I think its just because people like to get riled up.

Besides.. if you get upset and don't laugh.. the terrorists win.

Like Shawn said... We can have damn jokes about Pedophilia. Lesbian Creatures, Creatures that are....oddly mishapen and 9/11 is what gets you in the biggest uproar?


I give this....and all 9/11 posts a 10 out of 5.

Suck it.
FalconCrunch's avatar

FalconCrunch · 861 weeks ago

Indeed, the best way to handle a terrible past event is by using it as a form of tasteless joke. Albiet a hilarious tasteless joke. Kudos to the man with the courage to make it today's equivalent of a holocaust joke.

High-five amigo.

I give those posts a 9 out of 11

Suck one.
I thought the 9/11 pics where a bit too tasteless to laugh at, personally. But you know what? Go freedom of speech! I'd say leave em up.
Everybody took those 9/11 jokes way too seriously. Hurricanes happen all the time, tons of people die, but when we make a joke about hurricanes, everybody laughs. We make a couple jokes about 9/11, and everybody gets their panties in a bunch. Go figure.

Anywayyyy, free speech ftw. Leave em up.
FalconBrick's avatar

FalconBrick · 861 weeks ago

We have formed... the Falcon Duo.. we shall uphold all that is hilarious and freely represented....need us to on us!

The Attorneys of Comedy!

We will show you our moves....for Justice!

(The message paid/approved by FalconCrunch and FalconBrick..all right reserved. Copyright/TM 2008)
FalconCrunch's avatar

FalconCrunch · 861 weeks ago

Suck One!
FalconBrick's avatar

FalconBrick · 861 weeks ago

Suck one.
I don't know where to begin with this one. I don't understand where the line is for some people. I see absolutely horrible jokes about just as devastating events, such as hurricanes and holocausts, and yet 9/11 is too much.

Am I saying 9/11 is lesser of a tragedy than others? No. It's not really right to rank disasters like that, but what I'm trying to say is people need to reevaluate their lines. Why is it ok to make fun of someone else's tragedy, and not ok for others?

When you make an potentially offensive joke, someone, somewhere, is going to be offended. People have varying degrees of "humor" and I think both sides need to stop belittling the other by saying things like "That's too tasteless" or the rebuttal "Get a sense of humor."

People have different opinions and different styles of humor, so stop insulting each other if someone else finds something different than someone else.

My vote: Leave the pictures up. You're not going to be able to please everyone with your choices, and in the end you should go with what you personally believe. It seems like you really do believe in the concept of freedom of speech and limited censorship. There should be a line, but if that line is the removal of offensive material, you have a lot of things to remove than those two pics.
Stealthbladez's avatar

Stealthbladez · 861 weeks ago

@Trent: I agree, why does it seem though that most of the realistic stuff gets people in an uproar, but not the fact that halolz could become a porn site at the end of the day for having disturbing humanised mudkips and tripmines on a girl made of weapons on halo 3.

@Draco Advigilat: yes, agreed, leave em up.

And finally what I want to say... Who really give a S$%T if some tasteless but still funny 9/11 pics come up on the site, I know, some guy/gal whom is a party pooper and cares too much about rightchousness (did I spell that right? I didn`t, did I >_<) that he/she cannot have a good time!!! All these pictures are not meant to cause any harm, just lulz of epic proportions, thats all. If anyone cannot see that they must be either blind and/or have no eyes..................................................
sir_auronDX's avatar

sir_auronDX · 861 weeks ago

its the same. Oh sure we cause other diasters such as hiroshima bombings and the war on iraq you know but YOU'RE not bothered. You just show how selfish america is. you laugh at other things but you can joke about it yourself. you LAUGH AT AIDS. at CANCER etc but noooooo you gotta be total PATRIOT and try to FEND FOR MAH COUNTRY.

makes me glad to be irish.

makes me unhappy to beleive america is mostly decended from irish
Happy Mcpunchface's avatar

Happy Mcpunchface · 861 weeks ago

and here I thought it was supposed to be 20yrs after a tragedy til its considered funny.........yet i rotfl'ed.......but anyways i'd say leave em up, at least the original artists will get their props, since you know people are gonna save em to their computers and post em to their own sites (if you take em down or not) so might as well leave em up.......god I love this site
20 years? who designated that amount of time? freakin a, i'd crack a katrina joke right now if i knew any. the main idea here is that half the people on the site found it offensive and the other half didn't. really it likely came down to whether or not it affected someone personally. i have yet to deal with a death in the family that i was close to or a good friend dieing. but even then, i think i would still make jokes about the person now and then to try and get my other friends or family to laugh and feel happy, not because i don't like the person and think they're garbage, but to remind people about the person and the good times we had with them. i suppose basically what i'm saying is remember them in your own way, be it through a picture, monument, shrine, or tasteless joke at their expense. as long as we all know it was a tragedy and we miss the people we lost and remember them, who cares how it's done?
oh, and my vote is obviously to keep em up and to put up 9/11 jokes every year as a kind of remembrance of the day. maybe make it a Halolz holiday day or something, like wolf wednesday or movie monday.
Sorry I haven't updated of late. Been busy with grad school and such. I'll try and post some things when I have time to.
Orion Fury's avatar

Orion Fury · 861 weeks ago

I say leave them up as well, and I like AquaLink's idea. I have always felt that to make light of someone or thing is to remember the good times that one had, not belittle the pain of what had happened.
Dildo jokes, lesbian jokes, etc. aren't offensive to anyone, except for prudes that shouldn't be using the (uncensored) Internet. But the 9/11 thing, as well as any other joke using real disasters and real people dying to (try to) be funny, as you say, is in much more bad taste.

It's not about censorship; it's about knowing if your joke is really insulting someone or the memory of someone, and deciding for yourself if you put it up or not. I'm not American, but I still know that making fun of 2,604 people losing their lives on the Twin Towers is just wrong. Sex (and sexually deviant) jokes are just a (truly funny) tickle in comparison.

I say: leave the images in question up, at least as a reference for whatever it is that you'll plan for next year.

Still, happy anniversary :)
Whit3_Crow's avatar

Whit3_Crow · 861 weeks ago

Honestly didn't read your whole entry just segements, but i do have one opinion. With the creepy kirby and how you felt bout it goin up, it was disgusting but at the same time it was a form of art (even twisted) and you do an excellent job with the site, everytime i get on i have a laugh, everytime I have a friend over we take a cruise of the site. All in alll what youve done is epic. Finally ily pirate zelda pic ftw

Pigeon Army's avatar

Pigeon Army · 861 weeks ago

Well spoken, in a way, Shawn.

Weighing in on the matter, I've made my position clear on the 9/11 pics - I find them tasteless and crass. However, I agree that they should be left up, if only because laws across the world guarantee people freedom of speech, and the internet is a good place for that freedom.

However, as I quoted Penny Arcade in one of the 9/11 pic threads, there is a statute of limitations on this shit, and I don't think we've quite hit the statute of limitations for 9/11 for us to begin making jokes. There are some things I believe are twisted sources of comedy - the Holocaust and Hiroshima are the two biggies - and, for now, 9/11 ranks up there. In time, it will drop - but, for now, stick to something that isn't going to get you flamed. Humour doesn't have to challenge preconceived views of taste and decency - I mean, look what happened to Freddy Got Fingered. All humour has to do is be funny. Let's just be funny, without the unnecessary caveat of crossing the tragedy line.
gunsandblades's avatar

gunsandblades · 861 weeks ago

*sigh* i understand your need to apologize, i guess i was blind to deaths of 9/11 but , you know, im one of those people who not only gets amusement from watching peoiple die, but the fact that this happened...about 6 years ago or so and people still care, katrina was 2 years ago and they seemed to clear that out of their minds, mainly because the focus was on GW's lack of compassion and delayed arrival, but i must return t9o the subject at hand.

i apologize if i offended any whiners who gave a shit about something that happened so damn long ago, im canadian so i really lost intrest in this thing, and i wish we could forget about this, sit down, and laugh, its not like its too soon, i mean, imagine if theese where posted 5 years ago, peoplke would be on CNN :P
gunsandblades's avatar

gunsandblades · 861 weeks ago

P.S. why the fuck did people find untooned kirby scary!? i mean cmon, that shit is nowhere close to scary
someone said that it's not going to be funny if we can still picture those people who jumped off those buildings instead of choosing to burn to death. It was only seven years ago. Whether we're to say that is "art" is not sure. To me, it's tasteless humor. I showed various friends, and asked for their responses (without telling them my own), and they didn't laugh either. There are going to be people who find it funny, and people who don't.
I think you should leave them up shawn.
nonetheless, I still want to thank Shawn for addressing the issue directly to us. I appreciate that Shawn can appreciate and have concern for the people who come here. Because Shawn is confronting it, I will continue to visit everyday. hopefully this issue will resolve peacefully

and congrats to 1 year for Halolz.
People can make jokes about things like the Holocaust and Pearl Harbor these days because, well, I'm guessing no one who views this site was alive when those happened. So who cares? But if you made those same jokes to a survivor of one of those events you'd probably get a really pissed off old guy trying to club you to death with his walker. It's not funny to him. 9/11 is still a raw nerve in the US. I can see kids in 30 years watching videos of the attacks and shouting "DO A BARREL ROLL" with glee but for now its too soon.

Since people are chanting freedom of speech so much let's explore that.

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

The first amendment prevents the government (and only the government by the way) from infringing on our right to say whatever the fuck we want, with some exceptions. The exception relevant here would be Obscenity, defined as "It is speech to which all of the following apply: appeals to the prurient interest, depicts or describes sexual conduct in a patently offensive way, and lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value."

While Shawn argues that they both have artistic value, I strongly disagree. Neither of those pictures are art. They are both created purely to offend the viewer and the only people who enjoy them freely admit to being insensitive or that "they are going to hell for this." While I'm not all that offended by the pictures (but then again I'm a cold, heartless, bastard) you can see by simply looking at the huge uproar they've caused that plenty of people are. People don't come to this site to be offended, we come to it for a cheap laugh or two. We may use their memes, but this isn't /b/.

In closing, take them down Shawn. It's the right thing to do.
I'm gonna be different and keep my comment short.

Leave 'em up.
Same as B-mac. Just keep the bloody pictures up. Freedom of Speech for President 08!
Eight-Ball's avatar

Eight-Ball · 861 weeks ago

Ill need the state zipcode and town.

The Starfox one got a chuckle from me, because i have fond memories of playing it. And like shawn, the death music played in my mind. I actually told my friends about it and 9/11 (Yes i know) got a chuckle from it. Keep them up.
I have to say that please, don´t remove those submissions, or the same discussion will be lost. I think some people in here have to grown up and don´t to expect things being removed just because they don´t like it.
I think I'll have to agree with B-Mac and the others as well. Keep the pictures up.
@ Nick Soapdish (Soapdish o.O interesting)

Someone out there is wearing a blue/red suit with pointy shoes and a burglar's mask saying with a french accent, "I'm coming for you..." So be sure to have a flamethrower ready to spy check :3

@ Fancylad

The guy who made them obviously didn't make them to offend anyone. If he did, then why would he post his name with the submission? Also why would he apologize afterwards? He made them because he wanted some people to laugh, to brighten up their day on the 7th anniversary of a terrible incident. Or he's just a heartless bastard (lawl) but that's not likely.

At any rate, I think they should stay. Seriously I don't see how time changes whether or not a joke is appropriate. Of course you couldn't joke about it very soon after it happened, but that was 7 years ago. Get on with your lives people. Every day someone says a joke which many people would be greatly offended by. Some people would waste their time shouting and telling the person he's an inconsiderate SOB, while other people would know that even though it's offensive, that person didn't mean to offend anyone. If he really did mean to offend anyone, it would be like '2046 killed! AL QAEDA LEVELD UP! AL QAEDA LEARNED NUCLEAR BOMB!' Or something like that.

My point is, get over it. It's a joke. If you're offended by it fine, but remember it's not meant to offend.

Oh and @ Mike Nobody cares where you've been :D (jk)
I apologize if my comment may have offended you shawn and very much appreciate all the work you do here. Your response here in letting us all see who you are and what you believe and what principles you have and thats is good to see that you care about what everyone is saying on the site.

To Soapdish, yes they were in bad taste but you just wanted to make people laugh a little and made a mistake with it. I am sure you're not a bad person, and probably not even an asshole. You just have to use a little more judgement in what you find to be humor... and thats the thing about humor. The funniest things can sometimes be the most controversial and its hard to walk that line as you tried to do.

I was very upset with the submissions because I live in NY and my family was very lucky to not have had any losses that day.

I had grandparents who were flying in from vacation, my sister who works all over the city, my father primarily downtime, and and uncle that frequently flies for business trips and somehow didn't loose anyone but it was the scariest feeling to have.

My high school's teachers were on strike, first day of it, and i still went to school like a lot of people and wound up waiting in the auditorium for the principal to think of something to do. Suddenly all the cell phones started ringing for some reason and people started breaking down and running out of the auditorium... then someone went into the cafeteria and turned on the TV and came back to say something happened downtown in Manhattan. I went in there just to see smoke and only one tower. The teachers came back into the school to take care of the students and send them to classrooms so they could see if all the students were accounted for and thats when the second tower fell.

Public transportation was completely out and no one was allowed to leave without a parent coming to pick them up. I was so thankful that when I called home my dad was there and he came to get me and my 2 friends. After I got home I found out everyone of those people I mentioned were fine. My grandparents wound up in Canada and my uncle was not traveling back home that day so he would get a ride home... from Texas. The rest of the day was me going around with a mini TV and my bike looking for everyone I knew to make sure they were OK since I knew at least one of my friends went to high school in Manhattan.

And that was my 'Where Were You?' story. It was such a relief that all my friends and family were OK but a lot of people were not so lucky. I don't pretend to know their feelings, but when you lose someone before their time, I would imagine that the pain does not take 10 years to go away. I lost my grandfather last year and I can't go to the cemetery because it still hurts so bad and he was almost 90 years old. Having someone die that was in their 40s, 30s, 20s, or younger? If I remember correctly, they had a daycare in there. All because someone in another country wanted to make a point.

I don't know if any of those people are on this site, I don't know how sensitive they are to 9/11, but its important to respect their feelings and try to anticipate how they will feel but for me, it was offensive. For them, who knows.

I talk too much...
Nick Soapdish's avatar

Nick Soapdish · 861 weeks ago

Me personally, I'm not too fussed if they stay up or come down. Shawn you do a put in a hell of a lot of work in this site, and if these pictures are more trouble then they're worth then take them down.

But people! Direct all hate this way!

Shawn probably posts a lot of these to try and be nice to the people who put time into making them. If they're not funny or offensive don't blame him. He's not your dad that needs to filter stuff for you.
Chaos Trigger 5's avatar

Chaos Trigger 5 · 861 weeks ago

I would like to first address the Hurricane joke thing. We can make Hurricane jokes and let people laugh because the situation is different. The people that died in the recent hurricane KNEW ABOUT AHEAD OF TIME AND WERE WARNED TO EVACUATE! Yet, they stayed anyway because they are idiots. (Not to insult the dead or anything.) The people who died in 9/11 DIDN'T KNOW THEY WOULD DIE THAT DAY. I guarantee that 99.99% of those that died on 9/11 would have not gone to work if they knew that their work building was gonna get HIT BY A TWO JUMBO JETS!!!! Duh. That's the difference Trent!

And Shawn - If these jokes make 100 people laugh but one person cry or even commit suicide over painful memories then you have failed. Keep 'em or remove 'em . . . it's your choice.
Greg Morehead's avatar

Greg Morehead · 861 weeks ago

Leave them up. I think saying "Happy (but tasteless) 9/11" was both the right and the completely wrong thing to say. It's not a holiday..

I think the Starfox one was funny in a way.. not afraid to say it. Peppy saying no etc makes it seem like they wanted the plane to evade and not collide. And they were upset.

but my friends and I have talked about it too. And well I think you prob could have waited a few days. I awoke on sept 11th to check halolz for some lolz and i saw that and was like ...jeeeez a little too soon. If it was posted today I prob would have laughed a bit and felt bad after.

But those def aren't the worst pictures i've ever seen and I think its fine to keep on. Especially after your Letter from the editor.

Take Care
oh and Nick Soapdish - you will rot in hell. HAVE A NICE DAY!!!
Trent Gear's avatar

Trent Gear · 861 weeks ago

Free speech is damn important, yes.

It is tasteless though, and I think you've hit the nail on the head when you say when people load this page they are looking for a light-hearted geeky laugh.

The hurricane issue though is a natural phenomenon. It is in bad taste, I feel so while it is still a tragedy, rest those who were sadly lost, the unnatural nature makes it a more sensitive issue.

In short, I have a new found respect for the process in which you pick the image macros. Bravo
Kevin charmander's avatar

Kevin charmander · 861 weeks ago

Thats cool thanks for the update on whats up i go to this site everyday you guys are great
NCHammer326's avatar

NCHammer326 · 861 weeks ago

Oh Nick, all you did was post some (excellent) black humor. This kinda reminds me of that cover of the New Yorker with Obama and his wife portrayed as terrorists, in the sense that it was an atempt at satire that recieved many negative reactions. The main difference being that Nick's poster was less satire than black humor, and more people would've been offended by his picture. Also, we're a bunch of nerds.
I don't have time for a long comment at the moment, but I did want to respond to two things quickly.

Yes, I do consider every submission to be a piece of art, but I am one of those folks (like Scott McCloud) that finds art to be practically everywhere in our daily lives. To me art is anything that is created outside of necessity.

Also I think a good point on free speech was raised... free speech is indeed a governmental sanctioned right, but of course that does not mean that it applies to everything in the world (like blogs). As an editor it's always my call whether something should be displayed or not, despite some of my personal hang-ups with artistic censorship.

BBL gotta watch the baby!
I haven't read all the threads on the 9/11 pics, so this may have already been suggested, but the thought that comes immediately to my mind is this:

We don't want to go down the censorship path. But on the other hand, when you're referencing a (relatively) recent tragedy, you do run the risk of unintentionally traumatizing someone who lived through it. An easy compromise solution is to just put those pics behind a link; everyone who wants to see can spend half a second to click through, and people who have a problem don't have to look at it inadvertently. We all go home happy. Since this isn't an especially "family friendly" website to begin with, I wouldn't go overboard with the link hiding (like Cheeseburger has been known to do on occasion), but for something stirring up such raw feelings as 9/11 it doesn't seem inappropriate.
Here's my two cents. You don't have to delete them, but just don't post things like it in future. Once they're up they are part of the site forever, for good or ill. I'm of the opinion that it's all 'ill' for the 9/11 pics, but that's not the point. Many have been offended, but removing the pics won't un-offend them. Taking them down will make sure that everybody is offended, both the initial crowd and the anti-censorship crowd.
A little off-topic, but on the "new stuff to be added this coming year" bit, I have just two words...

Huh. My lesbian Mudkips have hade their way into HALOLZ lore. That's pretty cool.

As for the subject at hand, I don't care whether or not the 9/11 jokes go down or not. Sure, I too believe in artist expression, but I hate the people who abuse it.

Do what you hink you should. Personally, as much as I too find them disgracful, I say keep them up.
9/11 jokes are funny... just... you know... funny in the same way that dead baby jokes are funny. You laugh because they're 10% funny, 89% horrible, and 1% true. If you want to do jokes about it, go ahead. That's fine. If you don't like it, don't look. That's what the little blue "back" button is for.
Animedevildog's avatar

Animedevildog · 861 weeks ago

Shawn, I just gotta say that I LOVE this website. That being said, I was deeply offended by those 9-11 jokes that were made. I was not offended that they were posted (I happen to treasure the Bill of Rights more than the Ten Commandments), instead, I was highly offended by the joke in jeneral. I DO feel that the person has every right to make such tasteless jokes. I also feel I have every right to tell that person I feel he is one truely f***ed up S.O.B. As to the other stuff online that some might be offended by, those offended should voice their opinion, but PLEASE do not censor the pictures. Hell, I LOVED the yuri mudkip action (along with the yuri Link pic too). (also loved the Scout using the rubber horse dong as a club. didn't care for the pedobear sneaking up on the sniper, but, then again, thats just how I feel...)
Animedevildog's avatar

Animedevildog · 861 weeks ago


I non-anime Kirby has given me inspiration for what I want to cosplay at PortCon next year... That or Halloween.

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